Friday 16 May 2014

Jesse Eisenberg loves audiobooks

I found a little video clip of Jesse Eisenberg talking about how much he loves audiobooks. This was filmed for Audiobook Month two years ago, and was interviewed by Audie-winning audiobook narrator Robert Fass. The audiobook he was listening at that time was The Social Animal by David Brooks, and he talks about how he wishes the narrator speeds up his reading sometimes. I think that's how every listener feels like from time to time, although I don't dare try to speed up my books as they sound so distorted and unnatural and just horrible. I'd rather take things slow and easy.

Here's a selection of the audiobooks Jesse Eisenberg has narrated. I'm eyeing the Curseworkers series, I had no idea he narrated that and I've heard so many good things about the books themselves.

1. Colin Fischer by Ashley E. Miller and Zack Stentz 
2. White Cat by Holly Black
3. Red Glove by Holly Black
4. Black Heart by Holly Black

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