Monday 12 May 2014

Currently listening (12-May-2014)

I am listening to two wonderful audiobooks on my iPad at the moment.

The first is Ajahn Brahm's Opening the Door of Your Heart, which is a collection of short stories covering a wide range of topics, things like coping with guilt, letting go of pain, love and wisdom, perfectionism, and so on. I'm loving Ajahn's humour, each story is short and sweet, and the audiobook is narrated with enthusiasm by Francis Greenslade. 3 hrs 38 mins completed out of 5 hrs and 41 mins.

The second is Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, read by Carolyn McCormick. I am so late in reading this series, but then again, I always find myself way behind with any of my listens. The pace is a bit slow so far, but the story is riveting enough. Loving Carolyn's narration, she really puts in the right kind of energy for Katniss and makes you feel for her. 2 hrs 42 mins completed out of 11 hrs and 41 mins.  


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