Friday 30 May 2014

Currently listening (31-May-2014)

So it's been about half a month since my last update, and I'm still listening to the same two books. Oops. Well, actually that's not anything too bad, it's about the same rate I usually go through (which is around 20-25 audiobooks per year, I believe), plus I had exams, which didn't allow me to listen as much as I would've liked. The thing is, though, I'm trying to listen to more audiobooks than I typically would (maybe up it to around 30 books?). We'll see.

I've been concentrating mainly on Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. It's great so far, but a little less action-packed than I would've hoped. The games start only around halfway through the book. That said, I wouldn't say the book really suffers from 'middle book syndrome', because the story's been listenable enough so far. Just around 3 hours more to go with this one. 8 hrs 2 mins completed out of 11 hrs and 41 mins.

Opening the Door of your Heart by Ajahn Brahm has been sitting on the backburner for a while - the book is so peaceful and right now I'm in the mood for some suspense. That said, I hope to finish this really soon, as it's quite a short audiobook. It's still 3 hrs 38 mins completed out of 5 hrs and 41 mins.

Also, since I've been traveling a lot, I've also been using my Kindle. Airplanes don't really make for pleasant listening atmospheres, but the Kindle is just perfect. I've been reading - and will be reading - a cute book called The Forbidden Library by Django Wexler. I find children's books perfect for long trips because they aren't too taxing or tedious. This particular book seems like a wonderful mix of the atmospheres of Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, and Alice in Wonderland. Plus it's got some great illustrations! I believe I'm in around Chapter 9 in this one.

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